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Mitzvot of Purim

This year it will be very difficult to celebrate Purim. Although it is usually said that on Purim we should celebrate, celebrate, rejoice and ensure that everyone around us should enjoy the day as we do, this year it is going to be an arduous task. For many, the world is no longer what it was, nor will it ever be. Some of us aren't sure we even have the strength to celebrate anything. After what happened on October 7, the horror and suffering have left us immersed in deep sadness. Many continue to live in perpetual October, and many others, more than a hundred, remain kidnapped. We will not forget them.

Mikra Megilla b’laila: men, women and children are obliged to listen to the reading of the Megillah at night. At ATID we will read it in different languages, as is customary, starting at 8:00 p.m. on March 23.

Mikra Megilla b’yom: it is an extra mitzvah for men, women and children to also listen to the Megillah in the morning. Mattanot la'evionim: to express our joy, we give money, food, or clothing to people in need, at least two people. This year, we encourage you to consult the many initiatives that exist to help Israel, or any other organization that you think may need your help. Or that you look at the person who asks you for a coffee on the corner of any street in your city, and maybe you invite him or her to a coffee, or a sandwich.

Mishloach Manot: another way to express our joy is to give food and drink to our family and friends (you can invite them to eat, have a drink, give sweets and/or sweets, etc.). This year we will make sure that the NOAM kids give each other sweets and chocolates and why not? Maybe they give us some while we listen to the Megillah.

Seudat Purim: The Purim festival begins at noon and lasts until night, with skits, good food and lots of drinking. This year, at ATID, with a Mexican party after the reading of the Megillah, with music, food, drinks, and our beloved DJ with the best music from the 70s, 80s and 90s. We are waiting for you!

Tags: Purim
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