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Solidarity with the Girona Cinemas in Barcelona. Enough with anti-Semitism!

The Massortí Atid Jewish Community of Catalonia expresses its deep solidarity with the Girona Cinemas of Barcelona, ​​which have been the target of threats to prevent the holding of the Israeli Film Festival by pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic associations.

We absolutely reject any form of intimidation and censorship that seeks to restrict freedom of expression and cultural diversity. Cinema, as a form of art and expression, is an invaluable bridge for understanding and dialogue between cultures and communities. The cancellation of cultural events due to external pressures goes against the fundamental values ​​of our society.

We demand that the authorities of Barcelona and Catalonia assume responsibility for protecting cultural and religious diversity, in this case of the Jewish Community of Barcelona.
It is an imperative duty to guarantee a safe and welcoming environment to celebrate cultural events without fear of reprisals or acts of intolerance and without fear of being in hiding remembering dark times.

Likewise, we strongly condemn any form of hatred and anti-Semitism promoted by those who attempt to silence the voice of the Jewish community and hinder the celebration of events that promote understanding and peaceful coexistence.

We urge society as a whole to reject hatred and work together to build a future based on mutual respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence among all ethnic, cultural and religious groups.

In times like these, it is crucial to remain united in defense of the values ​​that unite us as a society and reaffirm our commitment to peace, justice and harmonious coexistence.

Never silenced again, never hidden again!

The Massortí Atid Jewish Community of Catalonia

Silvia Leida President of Atid
Jueva Masorti Community of Catalonia

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We are a Jewish community born in Barcelona in 1992

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