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Information on cookies

Last update February 28th 2016.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites you visit save on your hard disk. In general they include a unique anonymous identifier. A cookie file cannot obtain information from your hard disk nor infect your computer with a virus.

Which Cookies and similar technologies does Atid use?

Atid uses cookies and similar technologies in order to authenticate users, help with the functionality of the site, save user preferences, understand the way they use our services as well as to manage and track our marketing efforts.

We can also include tracking pixels (small graphic images) in our electronic massages and news letters in order to determine if messages were open and links were visited. In some cases, as indicated below, cookies might be placed by third parties.

In this document we describe the cookies and similar technologies that are present in our service. Please revisit this list periodically since we can update the information from time to time.

Operational Cookies

Operational cookies are the ones that Atid establishes in order to let the website work as expected.

These cookies are necessary to allow you navigation in our website and use all its functions. Without the cookies we cannot give the services you request such as processing an order from Atid.

We use other files of cookies in order to identify and recognize you when you start a session. That way we can recognize your configuration and preferences like your language and region or your connection status. These cookies files can also help us in providing you the services you have requested, such as watching a video or postcomments in our users forum. The cookies do not follow your activity on websites other then Atid.

You can deactivate any of these operational cookies as we describe below. Nevertheless, if you deactivate cookies some functions might not be available or will not work properly.


We use cookies and similar tracing technologies in order to help us understand how you use our website, our mobile apps and our desktop clients. When you give us information on how you interact with our website, our apps and our products.

Publicity, these tools help us to improve your Atid experience and personalize our communication with you. For example, information on how you accessed Atid, whether you visited us before, the duration of your visits and the pages you been in. they also give us general information on your location.

We use the following analysis technologies:

Google Analytics. To obtain more information on Google Analytics and its privacy policy, visit Google Analytics Privacy. To deactivate Google Analytics while using our website, visit Google Gaoptout.

Chartbeat. To obtain more information on Chartbeat and its privacy policy, visit Charbeat Privacy/.

Finally, we use automated marketing service called Silverpop. Silverpop uses cookies to provide information on way it interacts with our website and the marketing emails.

Silverpop provides valuable input on your visits to Atid’s website, inputs on the completion of Atids’ web questionnaires and the interaction with the email that we send you. These cookies permit us to refine our marketing efforts in order to provide you more

relevant information.


We compile a unique publicity Identifier for Advertisers tracker (The IDFA Publicity Identifier for apple and Google Ad ID or AID for android devices) from your device.

These identifiers are unique for your device. You can restore or limit its use from “settings”. They don not contain your name nor your email address. We use them, together with the analysis technologies in order to obtain information we use in your personalized publicity actions.

We have contracts with third party publicity networks that use cookies and similar technologies to compile information on your visits and actions on certain pages of, in your use of Atid applications, and on weather you open certain emails that we send you. We do this for the purpose of being able to send you publicity of relevant products and services of Atid in the future. It might happen when you open certain third parties’ sites or when we need to measure our messages efficiency. We do not share your personal information (that is to say: your name or email address) nor third parties contents as part of this process. You can deactivate these targeting and publicity cookies, at any moment, by visiting Network Advertising Initiative deactivating page where you can deactivate some or all the third party publicity networks.

Social Media characteristics

Our website uses Social Media functions (Social Functions) provided by companies and services such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn among others (depending on the country you are in) in order to let you share information through these channels. Social functions are identified on our website by the logo of each company.

The cookie files are property of third parties which control them and therefore, responsible for their use (and not Atid). We cannot guaranty that we have named all the cookies you might receive from third parties since they could change them at any moment as their necessities change.

When you visit, in our web, a page that includes Social Functions, your browser establishes a direct connection with the correspondent social network servers. The social functions provide the social networks information on the pages that you accessed on the Atid and, if you are logged in to the social network, your visit can be registered in the account of this service. For example, if you click on the Facebook “like” button, the information will be transmitted from your browser directly to Facebook and it is stored there. Even if you did not login to the social network and you do not click on a social function in Atid’s website, there is also the possibility that a function will transmit your IP address and the information of the cookies to it. We do not give information relates to

your account content to those social networks.

To obtain more information on the purpose and the scope of social networks data procedures, as well as for their data privacy protection options, consult the privacy policy of the correspondent social network. For your convenience, we share below the links of the most popular social functions that you can find on the Atid website.

Facebook: Facebook Privacy

Google+ y YouTube: Google Policies Privacy

Twitter: Twitter Privacy

LinkedIn: Linkedin Privacy

The additional Social Functions on our website in the Russian language are VK, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal, My.Mail.Ru y LiveInternet ( there are no conditions or privacy policy available). Another Social Function that is present on our website in the Japanese language is Hatena.

How do I deactivate the cookies or other similar technologies?

You can configure your browser to accept cookies, to reject them or to let you know when they are used. Nevertheless, if you configure your browser to reject cookies, you might not be able to use products nor services of Atid. Similarly, the information on the above links can help you to deactivate specific cookies related to the efficiency and marketing activities of the website. If you do not wish to receive tracking pixels you need to deactivate on your mail client the reception of HTML images. This may affect your capacity to see images on other emails that you receive.

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