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Dr. and Sociologist Deby Roitman in Atid

The week of Pesaj 2023 I had the pleasure of giving a talk in the Atid community of Barcelona. The topic I exposed was about the diversity within Judaism. The Jewish plurality is reflected on several fronts such as geographical origins - Sephardim, Askenazies and Mizrajim-, where each group is accompanied by its own ways cultural -liturgical, culinary, clothing, etc.-, under the same religious base.

Turn each group in particular, as well as the Jewish people in general, have been related in various languages ​​such as Hebrew, Ladino and Yiddish. Other variables where the diversity is in the types of Zionism that were created, more than anything during the first half of the 20th century. The core/periphery duality reflects the link between Israel and the Diaspora being also part of the heterogeneity of the Jewish people.

As the last point of internal differentiation are the currents or denominations religious, represented by Orthodoxy, the Conservative movement and the current Reformist, each with its own internal diversity. The most enriching part of the talk was the debate that flowed at the end of it, when the public began to ask questions, give opinions and proposals. An environment was created openness and dialogue

I am a sociologist, dedicated to the study and research of modern Jewish identity, particularly in the Jewish communities of Latin America. I live in Israel, I work as guide to the ANU Museum, Museum of the Jewish People, and work with people with disabilities

Deby Roitman

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