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Welcome to our Synagogue website where we try to give you practical information.

We welcome visitors from Barcelona, ​​Spain and from around the world

If you have any questions, please use the contact form or less (please contact counts the time zone difference).

Our synagogue is located in a residential neighborhood in the upper part of the city, a short distance by bus, subway or taxi.

& iexcl; We look forward to meeting you at one of our services or events!

Services and Kiddush

ATID meets regularly on Friday evenings at 18:30 winter time and 19:30 summer time. We also celebrate Shacharit twice a month.

The Shajarit service takes place twice a month. You can see the dates in the Synagogue - Services section. & Nbsp;

The prayer is here; in Hebrew with siddurim triling & uuml; e (Hebrew, transliteration and Spanish) and Machzorim in Hebrew with translation into Spanish.

The melodies are a mix of Ashkenazi and Sephardic traditions, most of which will be familiar to you.

Activities and events

As most of the activities are in Spanish, if you understand the language, you can participate even if you are only here. ; a few days in the city.

ATID supports the Barcelona Jewish Film Festival (since 1999) where many of the films are in their original language with subtitles.

You can consult with us about what is happening during your visit.

Learning about the Jewish past

Barcelona was the center of Hallachah when Rabbi Solomon was Aderet (the Rashbah) living in the city.

The municipal government has recently approved a request from the city's Jewish congregations to rename the central street in the old Jewish neighborhood after this respectable scholar.

One of our most active members has specialized in Jewish heritage and we are proud that one of the actions has ended in the historic designation of our old cemetery.

Group visits

Since our creation, ATID has the honor of receiving groups of visitors who travel with their congregations, universities, federations or others. On these occasions we usually prepare a special kiddush or a meal for the group to share with the community.

Youth groups traveling from Europe and Israel enjoy meeting our young members.

And every year, at least one of them will attend; to the Machane of Winter or Summer.

Time spent with us will definitely add & aacute; another dimension to understand Barcelona.

For information on any aspect explained on this website and to organize a visit & nbsp; please contact the Secretariat by email or by phone +34 93 348 2705 (depending on the season, local time is 5 or 6 hours before EST).

Tags: Visitors, Atid
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We are a Jewish community born in Barcelona in 1992

ATID is a member of




  • The Bronce EcoSynagogue Award


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